Monday, November 3, 2008

So how long do you think he'll be able to pull off this kind of look??

Funny how awfully this outfit would probably go over if he were fifteen or twenty.

The shirt -- compliments of Aunt Lucinda

The leggings -- Mama's crafty stab at the pricey BabyLegs that are so popular now. These are made from a pair of socks that cost a buck. I don't always fall for the latest fad, but I must say that leggings beat the pants off of pants when you have to change as many diapers as we do.

Notice that Little Bit is starting to model with a smile.

In other news...I made John take a picture of me doing something that I hope is part of an extraordinary moment in history. He voted early to dodge super long lines. I went for absentee so that I wouldn't have to worry about Freeman.


kp said...

If he stays that cute, I'll bet he'll be able to pull off that look for a long, long time. How was Halloween this year?

ann said...

OMG! He is sooo adorable!!! I can't believe how much he has grown! LOVE the outfit! What a great idea...leggings! I KNOW that saves a LOT of time and trouble! COOL!
Miss you all so much!