Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

We considered dressing Jack up as Elvis (he's got the hair for it), but we decided to stick with something he could relate to. The boy has an abiding love for choochoos. In a rare show of artistic and engineering fervor, Daddy constructed Thomas the Tank Engine by mounting one of our old moving boxes onto the very same Radio Flyer wagon he had when he was a little guy 30 years ago. Daddy was just as surprised as Mama that it came out so well. After Mama acquired a conductor outfit, Jack was pretty much a happy boy. We suspect that this is one costume that will outlast Halloween by quite a bit.

Jack trick-or-treated at a grand total of 4 houses and had a fine time. He even said "thank you" -- which is something we've been working on recently with less than complete success. Once we got back home, he had great fun moving our give-away candy back and forth from vessel to vessel. (There were over 300 pieces of candy to move, so this game kept him busy a good long time.) Occasionally he would stop to say, "Happy Halloween!" or "Bye Bye Superman!"

Kudos to Mom for the well-rendered Thomas face!
Jack loves his train/wagon........
....but does he love it more than Daddy?
thanks to our neighbor for giving Jack his very first Halloween candy.


kp said...

Adorable costume! Did he actually stay in the wagon for long?

Sammy said...

Great costume! Love this post!

Ruby said...

Jack would have stayed much longer in the wagon than we let him. In his enthusiasm, Daddy forgot to add an extension to the handle of the wagon (which is made for little people to pull). This made pulling it a back-breaking task for us adults, which is partly why we only went to four houses.

Luckily, Jack didn't feel the least bit slighted. He had a blast hanging out on our front porch greeting the other trick-or-treaters.

Kathy said...

This is the best costume I have seen this year. This is significant, because we gave candy to a three year old horse jockey (she had a pole and everything), a kangaroo, the grim reaper and a giraffe.